Create the project
In this task, you will create the project to your ToDo application and clean the default Counter app to be ready to start your project.
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In this task, you will create the project to your ToDo application and clean the default Counter app to be ready to start your project.
Last updated
In this CookBook we assume that you've already downloaded Studio, created an account, setup the environment and logged yourself.
If not, refer to the page Setup
After you logged yourself, a Project List window will appear.
Click on Add Project , fill the Project Name then click on Save.
The Architect page appears with a default Counter app.
In the Setup you've set a workspace folder. You can navigate through it and see that Studio have generated the source code of the project. It is a classic Flutter project : you can open and run it in Android Studio to check.
Before starting to develop the ToDo application, we need to clean the default Counter app and configure the project.
In the Explorer section click on the HomePage top widget and in the Settings Panel delete the counter observable.
Right click on the Center widget and Delete it.
Click on the Text widget in Scaffold>AppBar>Title and in the Settings panel change the Text to "My tasks".
Click on the Floating Action Button Fab widget and in the Settings panel add "addTaskButton" in the Name field. Open the Action Flow Editor of the widget and delete the Increment action.
Click on the Custom Code tab and delete the addition custom function, we will not use it in this application.
If you come back to the Build tab, you should have the same thing as shown below.
You can at anytime run the application on a simulator or a real device by clicking on the run button on the right of the top bar.
You are now ready to start the ToDo project, we will see next how to create a model that you can use everywhere in the application and associate it to the Local State.
Create the Task model